27/Jimada Ula/1443

Today Cheif Imam Of HARAKATUMASJID Sheikh Muhammad Bello Auwal Mai Iyali presented the khudba

All praises are due to Allah, the Lord of the universe. May His blessings and salutations be upon the Noble Prophet, Muhammad (SAW).

Dear respected Muslim Communities, be informed that Islam has given great attention to the welfare of orphans. An orphan lost his compassion and he is one of the future generations. He needs a merciful heart that sympathizes with him.

According to the Muslim Jurists, an orphan is one who lost his father as long as he has not attained maturity. The Prophet (SAW) said: I and the one who looks after an orphan in Paradise… Bukhari.

Taken care of orphans include sponsoring their feeding, shelter, clothing, education, general welfare, mercy and kindness.

Due to the status of orphans in Isalm, communities were enjoined to take care of orphans individually and collectively, to sponsor them and guarantee their welfare through orphanage homes, associations and organizations dedicated to taking care of the orphans, socially, psychologically, spiritually, morally and otherwise.

Allah the most High said in that regard: worship Allah and join none with Him in worship, and DO GOOD to parents, kinsfolk, ORPHANS, needy… ( Qur’an 4: 36).

Servant of Allah, we individually and collectively must fulfil the rights of orphans, they trust in us, sponsor them in terms of care, welfare, education etc, you will find a great bounty with God.

Dear respected servant of Allah, there are great benefits in the welfare of orphans, it includes:
1) Companionship of the Messenger of Allah in Paradise.
2) It increases livelihood, heals the sick and fulfills needs and distress.
3) It preserves one’s offspring after his demise.

May Allah guide and protect the generality of orphans. Safeguard and sustain the sources of their livelihood. Amin.

You can also donate to support the orphans by clicking this link here


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