Date: 18/03/2022
15/sha’aban/1443 A.H.
Imam: Muhammad Bello Auwal Mai Iyali.
Topic: Obedience to Parent.

Obedience to Parents doesn’t solely depend on presenting gifts and giving them money, for their right and towards us worth More than gold and silver. It constitutes sacrifice in obeying what the shari’a has placed on us.

Compliance to the rights of (Allah SWT) and that of his servants…the most important right is: The rights of parents over their children.
So many verses of the Holy Qur’an shows our obligation and the rights of our parents towards us, some of which are:

  1. Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him, and do good to parents… (Suratul Nisa’i-67)
  2. “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment…(Suratul Isra’i-23).

    *The permissibility of obeying parents even if they are non-muslims(from other faith), as long as they won’t have a bad influence on your Iman.
    *Prohibition of speaking to parents arrogantly, Allah says: “Say not to them “uff,” and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.”
    *Whoever is opportune to have his parents alive is like he’s given a key to paradise, unless if he’s not dutiful to them.
    *And that who couldn’t have to opportunity to have them alive..should be praying for them.
    Some of the benefits one can achieve from his obedience to his parents:

    1. Allah will provide him with offspring that will be obedient to him just as he did to his parents.
    2. Is a way of prolonging one’s good life.
    3. Increase in the economy (source of earning).
    4. One will have answers to his prayers.
    5. Allah (SWT) will provide you with a happy ending.


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