Date: 7/1/20224/Jimada Al-Akhir/1443

Topic: The North is a Living Hell Due to the High Cost of Living.

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Chief Imam Of HARAKATUMASJID Sheikh Muhammad Bello Auwal Mai Iyali presented the khutba All praises are due to Allah, the Lord of the universe. May His blessings and salutations be upon the Noble Prophet, Muhammad (SAW). Servant of Allah, fear Allah who had designed your lives, guaranteed and destined your sustainability.

Bear witnessed that every one source of livelihood is in the Hands of the Almighty Allah.

He gives whomever He pleases at the time He wishes and how he wants. Allah said: And no living creature is there on Earth but its provision is due from Allah…. (Qur’an 11: 6)Dear servant of Allah, life nowadays is a Living Hell due to the High Cost of Living and inflation bedevilling our communities. The masses should know that it is a test, for Allah had promised to test our IMAN. Allah, the Most High said: And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and plants…(Qur’an 2: 155)

Don’t ascribe the tests to other factors like the government of the day or some other forces. Be patient and return to Allah, ask His blessings and forgiveness. Surely, things will change for the better. As for those who make life difficult for Allah’s servants, the Prophet SAW is reported to have said: whoever contributed to the rising cost of goods and services (inflation), thereby making life difficult for Muslims, Allah will surely cast him in the hellfire.

Therefore, stakeholders and government at all levels should fear Allah in the current high cost of living and inflation suffered by the poor Nigerians. May Allah guide and protect the generality of Muslim Ummah. May He see us through this had ships and difficulties. May Allah safeguard and sustain the sources of our livelihood. Amin.


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